How Oriole the Heroine Solved the Case of the Three Dead Bodies

How Oriole the Heroine Solved the Case of the Three Dead Bodies

Vous regardez How Oriole the Heroine Solved the Case of the Three Dead Bodies le film produit aux US a une durée de 87 Min dans la catégorie Action,Crime,Mystery, . diffusé sur, par [ Lap Tat Film Co. ]
petite Description : The three heroines, Wong Ang, Wu Nga, and Heung At expose a murder case involving three dead bodies found in an old temple. Unbeknown to the trio, they've fallen in a trap laid by gangster ......
Réaliser: 1959-11-04
Genres: Action,Crime,Mystery,
Durée: 99 min
Production: Lap Tat Film Co.

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