Toscanini: The Television Concerts, Vol. 9: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5/Respighi: The Pines of Rome

Toscanini: The Television Concerts, Vol. 9: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5/Respighi: The Pines of Rome

Vous regardez Toscanini: The Television Concerts, Vol. 9: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5/Respighi: The Pines of Rome le film produit aux United States of America a une durée de 52 Min dans la catégorie Music, . diffusé sur, par [ NBC ]
petite Description : The historic Toscanini television concerts with the NBC Symphony Orchestra. Broadcast #9 was of a concert on March 22, 1952, at Carnegie Hall, featuring Beethoven's 5th Symphony and Respigh......
Réaliser: 1952-03-22
Genres: Music,
Durée: 99 min
Production: NBC

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